Thursday, January 6, 2011

25 Weeks, 100 day count down starts this week!

Total weight gain:

Still holding to the not weighing inbetween appointments.  I am feeling a little like I am losing weight though.  I can't eat much at once because I feel full so quickly and if I over eat I can't breathe, so I guess this will be the story of my life until April!

How big is baby? The size of an eggplant! Whoa no wonder I feel like she is doing Taebo at 4:30 in the morning now!!

Maternity clothes: Found a pair of cords on sale last weekend, so that adds to my wardrobe a little.  I no longer have to wear the beband with my maternity pants, so I must be getting bigger :)  Getting a little worried about the winter coat situation.  I think I can atleast get to 28 weeks with the ones I have but, after that I might have to leave them unbuttoned.  Hopefully Tulsa won't have a cold February!!

Stretch marks: Still nothing, but I think there is one of those dark lines faintly showing on my stomach :P

Sleep: What exactly is that?  It's pretty much gone, if I wake up at all, I'm a gonner for the rest of the night, just can't get comfortable and now Lola is having some serious dance partys in there so I wake up regardless around 4:30 or 5 am every day.

Movement: Like I said, CRAZINESS!  She is mostly active first thing in the morning, then about 11, then probably around 2, then 6-9.  So I'm getting her schedule down.  I was thinking the other morning as I layed there getting punched and kicked non-stop, in a few months at this time I won't be just laying here trying to go back to sleep, I will HAVE to get up! :)  It's gonna be interesting!

Food cravings: I basically just want to be able to eat right now and I havn't been eating as much.  I still have managed to get in my protein, thanks to my protein shake in the morning and some stratigic planning for dinner and lunch.  I actually have just wanted whole, natural, unprocessed food.  I don't know if it's that mother "instinct" that is kicking in or what, but that's all I can really stand right now.

Food aversions: I have started to feel a little nauseous over the past few days, hope it stays at just a little and goes away soon, I don't really want a repeat first trimester!

Belly button: Nothing new...maybe I won't become an outie after all...

What I'm looking forward to: My appointment on the 17th, just because it's a good check point and my LAST second trimester one, not so much the glucose test that I have to have.  Going home on the 25th.  WHOHOO!  I cannot wait to see my dad and Jared and Jess and little Judah :)  Of course I have to add a shout out to Addie, Lilly and Captain, the dogs in my life too!  I desperately need some rest and I am hoping that this trip is exactly what I need!

Weekly Wisdom: Don't let that voice in your head, or any other voice for that matter, make you feel like you don't have something to offer.  God has made us uniquely and focusing on where I need to be rather than where I already am has always been a struggle for me.  This time of year everyone thinks about how next year we need to change and look and feel better...bleh.  Don't get me wrong, goals are good, but like my dad always says, cherish the past, dream about the future, live in the present.

Weekly joys:  Feeling Lola move more and more has been exciting.  It makes it all more real and feel like we are actually making progress and she is getting bigger and stonger.  It's the craziest feeling, but just so stinking amazing!


  1. wow- 25 weeks Linds! Can't believe sweet baby Lola is coming soon! You're gonna be such an amazing mama :-) xo
