Monday, December 6, 2010

20 weeks and 4 days...

Total weight gain:  Not weighing myself in between appointments...not really that interested...or maybe not really seeing the benefit in knowing, cause if it's high then well...what are ya gonna do, ya know!?  Trying to eat healthy and workout...that's all I can do

How big is baby? The internet says...10 1/2 ounces, around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel

Maternity clothes: I gave in and bought a pair of khakis from Kohl's for work...not a huge fan, but the waist is much more comfy and they give me something else to wear.  They are a little big so I'm hoping they will last me until the end!  Still using the Beband, but I am starting not to like the bulkiness and weird lumps that my pants get with it on.  Trying to hold out and just use it as long as possible though.

Stretch marks: Nothing new, been using jojoba oil alot...

Symptoms: Lately I've been getting cramps in my hands every once in a while, but nothing that lasts more than a second or two.  I've also been SUPER tired.  I could go to sleep at 7 every night if I wanted to.  I also have like NO patience with people or myself.  I get so worked up about the stupidest things!  Although now that I think of it, that hasn't really changed much being pregnant :)

Sleep: Sleeping is about the same.  Still have trouble getting comfortable and wake up a few times at nite.  But nothing too serious

Movement: Still kinda hit or miss, nothing really regular or really noticeable.  Once in a while I can feel her from the outside, though.

Food cravings:  hmmmm...I've been trying to make some more new vegan recipes lately.  I made eggplant and zucchini "lasagna" this weekend (with tomatoes, navy beans, nutritional yeast, olive oil and garlic-I think this stuff was amazing!  The eggplant tastes very much like noodles and the beans and yeast really are a nice combo) and made some cookie dough balls with no added sugar using dates, oatmeal and cashews (and dark chocolate OF COURSE!)  and they taste pretty close to cookie dough I must say!  For lunch I have been making quinoa or something with some veggies and dinner has been some kinda pasta with diced tomatoes, spinach, Italian spices and garbanzos.  I've started having cream of wheat for a snack in the afternoon.  It's one of those comfort foods for me, my mom used to make it for us alot when we were little.  I don't really have cravings, like middle of the night ice cream or anything.

Eggplant and zucchini lasagna...didn't use the vegan parmasean cheese as you see here, but you get the idea...


Cookie dough balls...didn't have toothpicks, so I just used my fingers :)  Look pretty convincing, huh!?

Check out these and other recipes at !

Food aversions: Mexican is still a major no no.  Anything processed, it has this smell that makes me wanna run the other direction.  I don't know if it is the sodium or what.

Workouts:  I have been pretty consistent with doing the elliptical 5 days a week, lifting 3 times, yoga once and running on Saturdays.  The running is definitely different, not too mention alot slower, but I can feel my ligaments and muscles working so much harder especially around my core and they are definitely a little sore.  But it feels good to be back and able to start slow.  Oh and YES, my midwife said it was perfectly OK for me to do these things! (just in case anyone wondered, not that I've been incessantly badgered by anyone about it.... :)

Got a prenatal  yoga DVD from the library, Zen mama...wasn't terrible!
Zen Mama Prenatal Yoga Workout with Rainbeau Mars - DVD

Belly button: Still no change

What I'm looking forward to: I know your supposed to enjoy every minute of being pregnant...blah, blah,blah...but today I am really just looking forward to April 21 and this process being over and me being able to hold and see Lola. 134 more days to go!

Had a very productive weekend, getting the majority of Christmas shopping done and decorating.  We won't have a tree again this year, but we've upgraded to stockings, poinsettias and a wreath for the door  Less than 3 weeks till Christmas!  Scary!   I still have a few things I need to buy and make, but I feel much better now!

1 comment:

  1. I hated the beband, too. I think I wore it like...2 times. Glad to see your update. Your time will start flyin' by any day now :)
