Wednesday, March 9, 2011

34 weeks

Total weight gain:
  So, since my last update I had a little almond butter run in and I'm up 29 lbs! Bleh, well, what are ya gonna do, right?!

How big is baby?
baby weighs a little over 4 pounds and has passed the 17-inch mark.

Maternity clothes:
I just bought a dress for my shower...hoping that I can keep my feet and ankle swelling down long enough to not look completely ridiculous!  It's actually just a cotton dress from Old Navy, so I can wear it in the summer too.

Stretch marks:
Amazingly enough Nada!

Um, well, it's alright, been better, been worse.

She is still moving strong and pretty consistently throughout the day and even night.  It's more like my entire stomach moves now though, pretty crazy to watch and think about what she is doing in there!

Food cravings:
Tonight I am kind of craving something chocolate, something ice cream...but too lazy to go anywhere, so this craving will go unmet!

Food aversions: I feel like it is more just smells than specific foods at this point.  Please no sloppy joes at 9 in the morning!

Belly button:
Happy to say we are still an inny.  Wonder if I will pop out at the last second...

What I'm looking forward to:
I have a shower with Bry's family on Sunday, so I am super excited about that.  Also looking forward to just getting more prepared and ready for Lola's arrival.  We set a date of April 1st to be ready to go as much as possible, so it's just around the corner!

Weekly Wisdom:
Random thought, guarding your heart isn't just for dating relationships.  Being open is a good thing, but should also be reserved for the right people and situations.  Sometimes you don't need to explain everything to everyone!

Weekly joys: Finishing up my pre-shower cloth diaper stash, I've gotten 28 for under 200$, I'd say that's pretty good!  Being able to just relax.  I've had a few nights "off"  this week and just being able to stay home and rest has been really a big blessing!  Seeing Bryan getting more excited.  He's so cute, after our childbirth class he had his bag packed and ready for the hospital :)  Then the next morning he was getting dressed out of the bag, cause he packed stuff he still needed, lol, but it's the thought that counts, right?! :)

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